Five Myths About Marijuana – Busted

For decades, myths about marijuana have been circulating. From the “Reefer Madness” of the mid-1900s to the ’70s War on Drugs, people have been misinformed about marijuana. Even today, with increased research on cannabis, many of these myths persist.

Let’s get to the bottom of things. Below are five of the most prevalent myths about marijuana – and what actually is true.

Myth #1: Marijuana Causes Cancer

Some individuals think that pot smoking leads to cancer since cannabis smoke has carcinogens. But the reality is this: unlike nicotine, THC and CBD do not lead to cancer. And smokers of tobacco tend to smoke way more than marijuana smokers, so cancers from cigarettes are so prevalent.

A 2006 UCLA study, in fact, discovered that smoking marijuana, even in huge quantities, does not cause lung cancer. In fact, there has been research that has indicated that cannabis can even retard the growth of tumors.

Myth #2: Marijuana is Extremely Addictive and Most Users Are Heavy Users

Marijuana is confused with hard drugs like heroin and meth, but it is not the same. While one can get hooked on cannabis, it’s not physically addicting like opioids.

Studies show that only about 1 in 10 adults who use marijuana will develop dependence. Even then, withdrawal symptoms – like irritability and cravings – are mild compared to substances like heroin or alcohol. Most people who try cannabis don’t even use it regularly.

Actually, studies indicate that almost half of all marijuana users have used it for 12 days or less. One-third of individuals reported using it in the last year, and only a small percentage use it on a daily basis.

Myth #3: Marijuana Causes Crime and Bad Behavior

You’ve probably heard that marijuana use leads to criminal behavior. But here’s the deal: alcohol is linked to violent crime way more than cannabis.

Yes, there are criminals who smoke marijuana, but it is not a direct correlation to the fact that weed caused the crime. The real issue lies with the way that marijuana law has impacted certain communities in an unequal manner and correlated cannabis and crime artificially.

The myth has been used for decades by politicians to rationalize draconian drug legislation rather than treat underlying social and economic issues.

Myth #4: Marijuana is a Gateway Drug

Others contend that the drug is a “gateway drug,” or a gateway to using more harmful drugs such as heroin or cocaine. This is based on research that has determined that marijuana users have a higher likelihood of using other drugs.

But that is the truth: correlation does not equal causation. Just because someone uses marijuana before something else doesn’t necessarily mean that it got them onto harder drugs. Personality, family life, and social context affect drug use much more so.

The gateway theory was refuted years ago by the Institute of Medicine. It is merely another attempt to stigmatize the cannabis smoker where prohibitionists were unable to rebut facts regarding real addictions.

Myth #5: Pot is a Hard and Dangerous Drug

This is the old standby. Due to the War on Drugs, pot was lumped in with heroin and cocaine. Reality check? Cannabis is less harmful than alcohol, tobacco, or opioids.

Yes, getting stoned can make your lungs ache, and some will become addicted. But when compared with federally sanctioned drugs such as alcohol and prescription painkillers, pot is a heck of a lot safer.

Last Thoughts

Contrary to what you’ve heard, marijuana is not the deadly drug that some would have you believe. But we’re all unique, and safe use is important. If you have a question, consult a cannabis-aware physician.

Need expert advice? Visit The Dark Horse dispensary at Albany, NY any day of the week, and our staff will assist you in finding what’s right for you. No judgment – just straight-up knowledge.

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